We rent out more than 7,500 accommodations all over Aalborg
We rent out more than 7,500 accommodations all over Aalborg
List of advices to enhance your accommodation search
Below we have listed some pieces of advices, which could speed up the proces for you to receive an offer for accommodation.
For your, who apply for an accommodation alone:
For you, who apply together as friends or a couple:
Besides the abovementioned advices, please also check the folling options below:
Available accommodations
You can find our available accommodations by pressing the button below. The button will lead to boligportalen.dk.
Interested in one of them? Then do the following:
We follow up on waiting lists every day, so you have good chances of getting an offer for accommodation.
If you have any questions regaring the abovementioned, do not hesitate in contacting us. We will be happy to guide you!
You can check below, where all of our study accommodations are positioned
Housing guarantee og startup hosing-guarantee
Housing guarantee is an guarantee for new students, who start their studies/education in Aalborg in the fall semestre. With this guarantee you are positioned best on the waiting list, and will be offered a random 1-bedroom-accommodation with a takeover-date in the period August 1 to December 15.
Please notice! If you consider to use the housing guarantee, which will be open for subscription from July 1st, then you must not have declined or ignored an offer for accommodation for takeover from August 1 or later.
Startup Housing is a guarantee for new students, starting their studies in Aalborg, who needs a temporary place to be, if it has not been possible to find a place of their own.
Please notice! Startup Housing is for you, who has not declined or ignored an offer from either the ordinary waiting list or accommodations from the housing guarantee.
FAQ for applicants
"How do I apply for an accommodation?"
"What does reapplication means?"
"What happens if I reject an offer for accommodation?"
There are naturally many questions arising when starting searching for accommodations, so we have tried to narrow down the typical questions in a FAQ for applicants below.
FAQ for applicantsStudent life in Aalborg