Topbillede Opsigelse

Read about the termination procedure and find termination forms below

You can remain calm...

...because you are entitled to keep your accommodation up to 6 months after ending your studies/education!

Topbillede Overrasket

Step-by-step guide to terminate your accommodation

  1. Find your termination warning and the latest possible moving-out-date according to that in the address-list here or in your rental contract.
  2. Fill out a termination form below and sign either by MitID or fill out a regular form and sign by hand.
    • If you choose to sign using MitID, we will receive the termination automaticcaly
    • If you choose to sign by hand, you must send the termination attached in an email to us
  3. When the termination form is received by us, we will send a termination confirmation in return within 3 weekdays.

    PLEASE NOTICE! If you have not received a termination confirmation within 3 weekdays efter, then please contact us. 