Ledig bolig:
Kollegievej 4, 1.40, 9000 Aalborg

Fremleje Ja
Boligen er ledig fra 01-08-2024
Lejeforholdet ophører 15-12-2024
Boligen er for 1 person
Værelser Enkeltværelse
Størrelse 12 m2
Møbleret Fuldt møbleret
Depositum 2.569,00
Leje ekskl. forbrug 2.569,00
Leje inkl. forbrug 2.569,00
Specielle krav til lejer You have to be a student. The room is approximately 12 m² and includes a private bathroom with a toilet, shower, and sink. You share the kitchen and common areas with 10 other students, making it a great place to build a social community if you don't know many people in Aalborg. There are also many social events happening at the dormitory, and you have free access to amenities such as the fitness room, sauna, and cinema. There is a common washing machine, where each wash is 7.5DKK
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